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Donate Food

Useful information for food banks, donor branches and donor organisations.

As a donor or food bank, you are able to donate food at “expected” times, or in an ad hoc, unplanned manner. This can be done from the app or website, or through a Foodiverse-integrated scanner

Donation options

  1. Donate through the App

  2. Donate through the website

  3. Donate through Foodiverse-integrated scanner

  1. Donate through the App

  • Log In - Link to article 

  • Go to My Donations

  • Select “Create Donation” on the top right hand corner. 

  • Select your branch. 

  • Adding and removing new categories of food. - units and quantities

  • Notification/ collection windows - Adding custom times

  • Donation Summary

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Create an unplanned donation

Create a scheduled donation

Create a multi-collector donation

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