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View My Schedule

Useful information for donor branches, donor organisations, charity branches, and charity organisations.

Your food network administrator will assign you to either a series of notification windows
(if you are donating food) or a series of transfer windows (if you are receiving food), which will contain information about where and when food transfers will take place between you and other branches in your network.

You can view a weekly view of your donation or transfer windows by logging into Foodiverse and following these steps:


  1. Go to ‘FoodBank Networks’ → ‘My Memberships’.

  2. Select the branch that you want to consult the schedule for (if you are logged in as a administrator)

  3. Click on the ‘Manage my Membership’ icon in ‘Actions’ on the right hand side:

  1. Then go to the ‘Schedules’ tab where you can see your current transfer windows or notification windows:


Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage Schedules in my Network

Set up a recurring donation window for my branches

Edit/Change a notification window or a transfer window

Add a charity in my network to a transfer window

Respond to a transfer window invitation

Remove myself from a transfer window

Assign primary charity to transfer window

Assign waitlist charity to transfer window

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