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Remove myself from a transfer window

Useful information for food bank branches and charity branches

If you are assigned to a transfer window during which you are no longer available to receive offers, you may need to remove yourself from that transfer window, so another available charity can accept food offers from the donor branch.


  1. Log into Foodiverse and go to ‘FoodBank Networks’ → ‘My Memberships’

  2. Click on the ‘Actions’ by the relevant donor

  3. Click on the transfer window that you want to remove

  4. Click ‘Remove’.

  5. A notification email will be sent to the charity and the donor to notify that there has been a change in the schedule.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage Schedules in my Network

View My Schedule

Set up a recurring donation window for my branches

Edit/Change a notification window or a transfer window

Add a charity in my network to a transfer window

Respond to a transfer window invitation

Assign primary charity to transfer window

Assign waitlist charity to transfer window

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