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Add a charity in my network to a transfer window

Useful information for food banks and food network administrators.

Food network administrators can manage the schedules of their donor and charity branches by logging into Foodiverse and selecting “Manage Member Schedules” from the sidebar.

It is possible for the donor branch to create donations in an unplanned/ad hoc basis. However, you can also create a recurring transfer window where one donor branch is expected to offer food to the same charity each week at the same time.


  1. Navigate to My Foodbank NetworkManage Member Schedules.

  2. Select the donor or food bank branch who will donate the food to the charity by clicking on the blue arrow next to their name.

  1. Once you are viewing the donor or food bank’s weekly schedule, use the + buttons to add a Donation window and transfer window on the correct day of the week.

  2. When creating the transfer window, select a “primary” charity and a waitlist charity to the transfer window. (When the donor creates a donation, these charities will receive the offer first.)

  1. The charity branch assigned to the window will now receive a notification to accept the invitation to that window.

  2. Once the slot is activated, the donation and transfer windows you created will repeat weekly for that donor branch and charity branch combination, on the same day at the same time, until edited or removed.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage Schedules in my Network

View My Schedule

Set up a recurring donation window for my branches

Edit/Change a notification window or a transfer window

Respond to a transfer window invitation

Remove myself from a transfer window

Assign primary charity to transfer window

Assign waitlist charity to transfer window

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