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Accept a food offer via mobile app

Useful information for food banks, charity branches, and charity organisations.

As a charity or foodbank acting as charity you will receive notifications about new food offers via the Foodiverse app.


  1. After logging into the app, you will see at the top of your Dashboard that you have a pending offer.

  1. Tap on the donation card to see the details of your offer.

  2. You will be able to review the details of your offer and decide whether you want to accept it or reject it.

  1. In order to accept the donation, click ‘Accept’ at the bottom of the page.

  2. The donor will then be notified that the donation has been accepted.

Please note:

My Primary Offers - you will find your scheduled stores donations here.

To Be Collected - you will find the list of donations waiting for you to collect.

Primary Offers accepted - you will find a list of previous donations.

Waitlist Offers - When a charity is on a transfer window’s waitlist, they can expect to receive a food offer notification only if the primary charity rejects the offer or fails to respond in time. Except in a split donation scenario.

Foodboard Offers - The Food Board is similar to a noticeboard - donations that have not been accepted by a Primary or Waitlist Charity after a certain amount of time (configurable by the Food Bank) will be posted to the Food Board for other charities to view and accept.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Accept a Food Offer Online

Accept a food offer by SMS

Reject a food offer

Mark an offer as transferred (collected/delivered)

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