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Accept a food offer by SMS

Useful information for food banks, charity branches, and charity organisations.


  1. To accept a food offer by SMS, please respond Y1 to your donation offer.

  2. In this case, Y stands for “Yes I will accept my donation offer” and the number 1 indicates the relevant donation which it refers too.

  3. This number will change if you have additional donations, i.e. to accept your second donation you will be asked to respond with Y2, Your third donation Y3 etc.

  4. Please ensure the correct characters are used as responding incorrectly will result in an invalid donation.

  5. Replies to SMS donation offers must be from the same mobile number that received the donation notification.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Accept a Food Offer Online

Reject a food offer

Accept a food offer via mobile app

Mark an offer as transferred (collected/delivered)

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