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Reject a food offer

Useful information for food banks, charity branches, and charity organisations.

If the donation is not suitable for you or you have no volunteers to come and collect it, you can reject a food donation.

A donation can only be rejected if you are on a scheduled as primary charity or waitlist charity.


  1. Go to your Dashboard and look at ‘Your To Do List’.

  2. Click on ‘View Donation Details':

  1. Click the red ‘Reject’ button at the bottom:

  1. The donor will get a notification informing them the donation was rejected.

  2. This donation will then be offered to the waitlist charity, or to the foodboard.

Note: You can also accept or reject an offer in the mobile app.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Accept a Food Offer Online

Accept a food offer by SMS

Accept a food offer via mobile app

Mark an offer as transferred (collected/delivered)

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