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Setup eSign / eSignature

Useful information for food banks and donor organisations.

eSign is a feature that will allow donors and charities to confirm with an electronic signature that food has been donated. The feature is available to all Foodiverse Donors IF they want it.

Donors and food bank admins can add an e-Signature requirement to confirm the completion of the donation process which adds another level of governance/tracking.

The e-Sign is completed on the Mobile app by the donor and the charity collecting the donation.

The e-Sign requirement can be set On or Off for individual branches.

If e-Sign required is turned on for a branch, that branch will NO LONGER be able to mark a donation as transferred using the web app.

This is because it is a legally required feature for some Foodiverse users who use the mobile apps and we need to ensure there isn’t a way to circumnavigate offering food without signing for it.

How to turn on eSign:

  1. Go to My Organisation, Manage Branches

  2. Select the Branch, Branch Details

  3. Scroll down to the eSign required setting

  4. Select eSign required to be On or Off as appropriate for this Branch.

e-Sign required is OFF by default

Select the appropriate value for your Organisation and click the Submit button.

To see how eSign works on the Donor Mobile app see here

To see how eSign works on the Charity Mobile app click here

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