Donor - Mobile User Guide.
Useful information for donor branches and donor organisations.
Download the Foodiverse app
For an iPhone:
Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for Foodiverse.
You can click the Cloud icon to install immediately or select the app to see more details about the Foodiverse app.

Once the app has been downloaded and installed on your phone, click on Open.

For an Android device:
Open the Google Play Store on your Android phone and search for 'Foodiverse'.
You can click Install to install immediately or click on the app to see more details.

Once the app has been downloaded and installed on your phone, click on Open.

Select Platform and Sign-in on mobile (First-time Users)
Having downloaded the app, you will be required to choose the region. Once selected, the app will automatically sign you into this region during future logins.
If you are based in Europe, please select this region.
(If you have been asked to log into one of our testing environments, please select the BETA based on the instructions you have received from an Account Manager.)

Once you have selected a region, you will be directed to the Sign in screen. Click the language button to choose your preferred language.

If you would like to log into a different region at a later date, you can do so by clicking on the dropdown menu on the sign-in page as shown below.

Please click Allow to let Foodiverse send notifications to your phone when prompted by iOS devise.
When you login Foodiverse will check your Language settings. If your current language settings in Foodiverse are different to those selected at Login you will be prompted to confirm the language you would like to use.

Home Page
When you Login to the Foodiverse mobile app the Home Page is the Dashboard page.
On this screen, you can view ‘View My Donations’ that you have posted and your accepted donations waiting to be transferred.
Foodiverse will prompt you if you are scheduled to post a Donation today, see the ‘My Scheduled Donations’ card.
Click the Yes or the No button to begin the process of posting a donation. Your Branch will be preselected on the Donate page.
Alternatively - Click on ‘+’ Donate icon on the navigation bar to create a donation.
Creating a Donation
Select Branch
Note: If there is only one branch associated with your User, the Branch will be pre-selected.
Click on Select Branch and Foodiverse will list the Branches in your Organisation that you are a designated User.
You may then select the relevant Branch.

2. Donation
Food Available is the default setting when Yes is pressed. If you have food available to donate today click the Add Food Details button to proceed (see further instructions below).

No food available is the default setting when No is pressed to start the donation process.
Submit the offer to let your scheduled charity know that there is food or there is no food available today.

Add Food Details
Depending on how your organisation has configured the settings regarding Food Categories and Product Level Detail, it will determine how the Add Food Details screen is displayed.
See Food Category and Product Settings here for more details.
There are 2 ways to add Food Details:
Using Food Categories & Subcategories with quantities
Using the add +Product Level Detail
Your donor administrator may have added a list of approved products that can be selected during the donation process below. (Manage Organisation>Organisation Settings>Add/Delete Approved Product Records)
Certain users can also add new products during the donation process below.
1. Adding Categories of Food to a Donation
Use the Plus and Minus buttons to increase or decrease the weight of the food category for the donation.
There are only 0.5 KG increments allowed.

Or you can click the grey 0.0 Kg value and type the weight of food.

Continue until you have entered the values for all relevant Food Categories in this donation.

When you have entered the values for the relevant Food Categories for this donation click the Save button.
If you want to hide some Food Categories from the list click the X button and click Yes to confirm.

Note: if the category of food you want to donate is not displayed you can click the +Add Category button to add a food category. Also, this action may not be available due to your organisation settings.

Select the Food Category you would like to add to the list..

Then Select the Sub-category of food and click the Save button.

Subcategories will be listed under the same main food category. Add quantities as before.
2. Adding Product Level Detail to a Donation.
Click the +Product button next to the appropriate Food Category.
Note: this action may not be available due to your organisation settings
Use the type to Search box to find the product you want to add to the donation. Select the product from the list. Scroll down the list or continue typing to find the correct item.

Then add the quantity and the Use By/Best Before Date and click the Add Product button to complete this entry.

Continue to add products to this Food Category. The products entered will be listed and the Total weight field will be updated as you progress. Once you have finished entering all products for the Food Category click the Submit button.

The Foodiverse app will return to the list of Food Categories where the product you just added is confirmed and you can add products to other food categories if you wish. When you have finished adding products click Save.

When you click Save you will be returned to the Create Donation screen where the quantities of food entered will be summarised.

Click ‘Submit’ to post the donation.
You will be returned to your dashboard. The ‘Your Active Donations’ card has a new message thanking you for posting.
You can see the details of the donation (see below image) you have posted by clicking the arrow in the ‘Your Active Donations’ card (see above image).

Adding New Products
If you need to add a New Product (one that is not listed when you Search for a product) you can Add that product to the database.
It will be stored at Organisation level and will be available for any donor branch/ donor user in that org to see & use.
When Adding Food Details, Click +Product and begin to type to search for products.
No product found - see the +Create a new product record button
Note: this action may not be available due to your organisation settings

Enter the product details and click the green tick to save the new product record.

The Foodiverse app will confirm that the new product record is successfully created.

Editing product records
If you need to Edit a product record you can click the pencil button on any product listed.
Note: this action may not be available due to your organisation settings

The Update Product Record screen will open.

Click the pencil icon to Edit this product record.
When you have finished editing the product record you can click the green tick to update the record.
Click the X button on the top right to cancel.

If you click the green tick the Foodiverse app will confirm that you have updated the product record.

Please note. On this screen you are editing the product record on the database and any changes you make here will be reflected in this product for other users.
You do not have the option to change the quantity for this product in your donation on this screen. If you want to change the quantity of a product on your donation you should remove that product from the donation and add it again with the new values. On the Food Details screen click the X button beside the product and add that product again with the correct quantity to the donation.

3. Posting Time
Foodiverse will check your Donor schedule and auto-select the next Offer Time for this donation, the time when the charity will be notified of this donation.
If the Offer time is suitable, go to the next step, otherwise, click the dropdown button to select another Offer Time. Foodiverse will present you with a list of Offer times based on your schedule or you can choose an UnPlanned donation.

Select an appropriate Posting Time for the scheduled donation or click UnPlanned to post an unscheduled offer.

4. Transfer Time
Select a Transfer Time, a date and time when you would like the charity to receive the donation (Collection or Delivery).
If the Transfer time is suitable, go to the next step, otherwise, click the Add Transfer Time button to select an alternative scheduled Transfer Time.
NOTE: The Accept-By Time will be displayed based on the Transfer Time chosen. The Accept-By Time is defaulted to 30 minutes before the end of the last Transfer Window but can be configured here.

Select an alternative Transfer Time and click Add at the top of the screen.

Alternatively - You can add a Custom Transfer Time which would be a once-off Transfer Window for this donation.
Click Add Custom Time and Foodiverse will display the Add Transfer Time screen.

It is optional to add a charity. Click Select Charity and you will be presented with a list of charities who are members of the same Food Network as you or you can type to search for a particular charity.

Next, select the Transfer Type (Collection or Delivery). Use the Date and Time buttons to choose a suitable transfer time for this donation.

Once all fields are completed on the Create Donation screen, you can Save the details and post the donation.

Foodiverse will then confirm that the donation has been successfully created.

Your Active Donations (Transferred)
The dashboard can take you to the list of donations that you have already posted and are active.
Once a charity accepts the donation, the dashboard will display:
the branch that offered the donation.
The charity that has accepted the donation is also displayed.
The food classifications that the charity has approval to receive are indicated by icons (Ambient, Chilled, Frozen & Hot icons).
If you have posted a donation today, a card indicating that it is being offered to charities is displayed. ‘Thank you for posting’.
A donor can mark a donation as Transferred (Collected/Delivered). Click the card to see a donation in detail and/or choose whether the donation has been Transferred or Not-Transferred by selecting the corresponding button.
If the donation has been collected/delivered and you click the Transferred button you will get a confirmation message, click Yes.
The donation is completed, receive a snackbar saying the ‘Donation transferred successfully. Nice job!’.
eSign is a feature that allows donors and charities to confirm that food has been donated using an electronic signature feature. The feature can be switched on by a Donor administrator at Branch level.
If eSign is switched On the Donor and Charity are expected to sign on the Foodiverse device that the donation has been Transferred or Not Transferred. Foodiverse will prompt for the Donor’s Full Name and Signature.

Touch the Full Name field on-screen.
A virtual keyboard appears to let the Staff member enter their Full name.

Next the Staff member should sign in the Donor signature eSign box and Click Next.

Then the Donor should hand the device to the collector to allow them to sign for the donation. Touch the Full Name field on-screen. A virtual keyboard appears to let the Collector enter their Full name.

The Collector should sign in the Charity signature eSign box and Click Submit.
Hand the device back to the Donor.

Foodiverse display an “Are you Sure?” message. Click Confirm to complete the process.

Foodiverse confirms the donation has been eSigned and Transferred.

Click the Not Transferred button if the donation has not been collected by the charity.
You then need to select an appropriate Reason why the donation was not transferred. Typical reasons why a donation might be set to Not Transferred are:
Not collected/delivered - The charity accepted the offer but did not collect the donation.
Collected by Other - for whatever reason the donation was collected by another charity and not the charity that accepted the offer.
Refused on Site - the food was not suitable for the charity’s purpose.

If eSign is switched On, the Donor is expected to sign on the Foodiverse device confirming the donation has Not Transferred. Follow the steps above regarding eSign. There is no need for the charity to sign for an Untransferred donation.
View My Donations
The All Donations screen will list previous donations that you have posted to Foodiverse.
Click the card ‘View My Donations’ to display your donations.
A list of your donations is displayed. Touch the card to see the donation in more detail.
You can not view more details for No Posting or No Donation entries.

The default date range is the previous week, 7 days from today.
To change the date range, click the dates at the top of the screen and then select a From and To date. You can select any date range up to the previous 90 days. Then click Save.
Touch the card to display the donation in more detail.
The Donation Details screen will display the current status of the donation and any charities associated with it.

Donation Record
Click the Donation Record button to view more details of a donation including eSignatures (if available), a Category Level Summary and a Food Safety statement.

A donation record will only show when a donation is either marked transferred or not transferred. If a donation is rejected or accepted only, a donation record will not be generated.
The Donation Record lists the Donor and Charity information including the Donation Status with Timestamp, the charity approved food categories and any eSignatures if eSign is configured for this donor.
Scroll down to reveal the rest of the Donation Record which list the Category Level Summary, additional information and any Food Safety statement posted by the donor.
If the donor has provided a confirmed volume of the food products received by the charity then the Actual weight and price will be displayed in the Category level summary.

If the donor has provided Product Level Detail a Product Information screen will also be displayed. Scroll to the right to reveal more columns of product information.

You can also Create a donation from the View My Donations screen.

Click the purple “+” sign at the bottom of the screen to start the Create donation process.

View Your Schedule
Click the ‘Schedule’ icon at the bottom of the app (the second from the left) and then select your branch from the branch dropdown to view the branch schedule. Primary (green) and Waitlist (yellow) charities are listed for each day. The food classifications that each charity are approved for are listed under each charity type.
Select Branch will not be an option if the user does not have more than 1 branch.

View Your Impact
Click the Impact icon at the bottom right of your screen, the user’s branch will be preselected to view the branch Impact to date.

View Your Profile
Click the Profile button at the bottom right of the screen to view your Profile. The page below will be displayed. Pressing on a card will expand it and show more information, pressing a card again will collapse the individual card.
The My Information tab contains the user’s full name, phone number, email address, chosen language and a button allowing the user to edit their information.
When the Update button is pressed, the following modal will show.
The user can change any of their information here
When changing Mobile Phone, an error message will appear if;
The '+' is not there in front of the country code
If it’s not a correct number
It it doesn't use 10 digits
If it's already in use
The My Organisation card will give the organisation’s information
The Administrators card shows the admins of the organisation
The My Branches card will list the branches assigned to the current user.
This card will be scroll-able if the user has many branches
View Settings and Sign-Out
Click the Gear icon (top right) to check the App Version, change Language or to Sign Out of Foodiverse,
On this screen, you can also request to remove all your personal data from Foodiverse - click Send delete personal data request.

Change Language - click the Language dropdown menu to select language.
English, Czech and Slovak are currently supported.

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