Setup Donation Accept By Times
Useful information for food banks and donor organisations.
The Accept By Time on a donation is the amount of time by which a donation must be accepted before it can no longer be accepted.
It is normally set at 30 minutes before the end of the Collection Window. Typically this allows charities time to Accept and Collect a food offer before the store closes.
The configuration setting made will be made across all of the organisation’s donor branches.
A donor organisation can now configure their Accept By Time for all of their donor branches to be between zero and 90 minutes before the Collection Window ends.
This setting will override the default Accept By Time of 30 minutes before the end of the Collection Window.
The Accept By Time is set at an organisation level. If a branch wants to use a custom Accept By Time, they can customise this when choosing a Donation Transfer Window.

Go to My Organisation, Manage Organisation
Click the Organisation Settings Tab
Scroll down to the Accept By Time setting

You can change the Accept By Time to be a value between 0 and 90 minutes before the end of the Collection Window.

Select the appropriate value for your Organisation and click the Submit button.
Note: If a donation is offered with multiple Collection Windows, the Accept By Time will apply to the last Collection Window
A user can accept up until the last minute but not during the last minute of an offer. For example if a Collection Window ends at 15:10 then the offer can be accepted up to & including 15:09
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