Donation Email Receipts
Foodiverse can send two types of email receipts;
when PLD (Product Level Detail) is added to a donation.
when cPLD (Categorised Product Level Detail) is added to a donation.
Some donors provide this information through integration with Foodiverse
A charity can receive a Donation Receipt even when the donation has no cPLD added. If 24 hours passes from the time the donation is collected/transferred and no cPLD has been added by the donor, an empty (no Product Level Detail) donation receipt can be issued. This option can be configured in My Organisation>Manage Organisation>Organisation Settings>Send donation receipt

The recipients of the email receipt are;
Charity branch users
Donor branch users
Charity organisation admins
Donor organisation admins
An email receipt is not sent or received by any user if the settings is set to do not send donation receipts
A. Donation Receipt email
Sample Donation email receipt - the donor has supplied (uncategorised) Product Level Detail
Allergen and Food Safety Information will be displayed if supplied by the donor

B. Donation Record email
The email receipt is generated when cPLD has been provided by the donor and the donation is marked Transferred by the donor.
Sample Donation Record email - the donor has supplied Categorised Product Level Detail (cPLD)
Allergen information and Food Safety Information will be displayed if supplied by the donor
If eSignatures are switched On for this donor then a link to the eSignatures will be included

Second example below which includes Stock-code, Batch-code, Ingredients, and
Allergen-information which can be supplied/included via Foodiverse integration.

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Still haven’t found your answer? Try:
Mark an offer as transferred (collected/delivered)
Mark an Offer as Not Transferred on Mobile app (charity)
Mark an Offer as Transferred/Not Transferred on Mobile app (donor)