Donation Record
Useful information for all users, Charities, Donors and Foodbanks
Provide users with a ‘donation receipt’ or ‘donation record’ that is accessible within the Foodiverse platform.
A donation record (similar to the email receipt) is available to view in the Foodiverse web app and mobile app.
It will be accessible in My Donations for Donors, Offers History for Charities and Manage Donations for Food Banks. A donation record will only show when a donation is either marked transferred or not transferred. If a donation is rejected or accepted only, a donation record will not be generated.
Viewing the Donation Record as a Donor under My Donations
Viewing the Donation Record as a Charity under Offers History
Viewing the Donation Record as a Foodbank under Manage Donations
Viewing the Donation Record as a Donor under My Donations
A Donation Record will only appear for Transferred or Not Transferred Donation Status. So, the Donation Record will be available for these Donation Status
Transferred/Not Transferred
Collected by Other/Transferred to another Charity
No food at branch
Refused On Site/Refused at Donor
The Donation Record is not available for the Primary Charity because the Primary charity Rejected their Offer. The Waitlist Offer is Transferred and therefore a Donation Record is available. Click on the Donation Record button to view.
The Donation Record displays a detailed view of the Donation.

A Product Information section is included in the Donation Record if the donor supplied PLD (Product Level Detail) or cPLD (Categorised Product Level Detail) information through integration with Foodiverse.

Scroll down to see Additional Information including any Food Safety Statement by the donor.

If eSign is enabled for this donor branch the electronic signatures submitted for this donation are included in the Donation Record.

Viewing the Donation Record as a Charity under Offers History
A Donation Record will only appear for Transferred or Not Transferred Donation Status. So, the Donation Record will be available for these Donation Status
Transferred/Not Transferred
Collected by Other/Transferred to another Charity
No food at branch
Refused On Site/Refused at Donor

Click on the Donation Record button to reveal the Donation Record.
If eSign is enabled for this Donor Branch a copy of the eSignatures provided will be displayed.

A Product Information section is included in the Donation Record if the donor supplied PLD (Product Level Detail) or cPLD (Categorised Product Level Detail) information through integration with Foodiverse.

Viewing the Donation Record as a Foodbank under Manage Donations
A Donation Record will only appear for Transferred or Not Transferred Donation Status. So, the Donation Record will be available for these Donation Status
Transferred/Not Transferred
Collected by Other/Transferred to another Charity
No food at branch
Refused On Site/Refused at Donor
Click on the Donation Record button to reveal the Donation Record.

A Product Information section is included in the Donation Record if the donor supplied PLD (Product Level Detail) or cPLD (Categorised Product Level Detail) information through integration with Foodiverse.

Scroll down to see Additional Information including any Food Safety Statement by the donor.

If eSign is enabled for this donor branch the electronic signatures submitted for this donation are included in the Donation Record.

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