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Change User permissions

As an organisation admin you can change any user’s permissions within your organisation.


  1. In order to do that, please go to ‘My Organisation’ → ‘Manage Users’.

  2. Find the user that you want to update the permission of and click on the ‘Edit’ icon within ‘Actions’ section:

  3. In the ‘Personal Info’ tab you can update the role of the user and give them admin rights:

  4. Don’t forget to click ‘Submit’ to register the changes.

  5. In the ‘Branches Access’ tab you can amend user’s access to particular branch(es) and make them either ‘Branch Viewer’ or ‘Branch User’ or both:

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage my Food Network Members

Add a user to my organisation or branch

Invite members to my Food Network

Approve applications to my Food Network

Activate membership to my food network

Add new branch to my organisation

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