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Add new branch to my organisation

Useful information for food bank admins, donor organisation admins and charity organisation admins.Useful information for food banks, donor organisations and charity organisations.

Food Banks can have branches that are set up as a Charity branch to receive donations and they can have branches that are set up as a Donor branch to offer donations.

Donor Organisations can have multiple branches that can apply to be members of the same Food Network. Each branch can have designated User/s.

Charity Organisations can have multiple branches that can apply to be members of any Food Network. Each branch can have designated User/s.


  1. In order to add a new branch to your Org, go to ‘My Organisation’  ⇒ ‘Manage Branches’.

  2. Click on the blue button ‘+Add New Branch’:

  1. Fill in the details of the new branch that you want to add to your organisation and click ‘Submit’:

  2. Select the Branch Food Classifications for this branch

  3. Add the designated Branch User/s for this branch 

  4. This branch is now ready to apply for membership to a Food Network

  1. You can check the new branch status in the ‘My Organisation’ ⇒ ‘Manage Branches’ or on the ‘My Branches’ page

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage my Food Network Members

Add a user to my organisation or branch

Change User permissions

Invite members to my Food Network

Approve applications to my Food Network

Activate membership to my food network

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