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Add a user to my organisation or branch

Useful information for food bank admins, donor organisation admins and charity organisation admins.

As an organisation administrator you can add more than one user to your main account.

You can also create a separate user for each branch.


  1. Go to ‘My Organisation’ → ‘Manage Users’

  2. Click on the blue button  ‘+Add New User’

  1. Fill out the ‘Personal Info’ section.


  2. Select the preferred language of the New User.

  3. Determine if the New User is to have full Admin access rights or User only access rights. 

  4. Click ‘Submit’. 

    1. An email will be sent out to the new user's email address with a link to activate the account by setting up a password. 

  5. This will bring you to “Step 2:Edit Branch Access”

  1. Alternately, to set up the new user’s branch access, go to the ‘Branch Access’ tab and enable their ‘Branch Viewer’ and ‘Branch User’ settings.

  2. The new user will then be active, refresh the New User page.

  3. You can also deactivate the User by changing their status in ‘Manage Users’ → ‘Actions’ → ‘Deactivate User’.

* Please note that the ‘Activate User' button in the ‘Actions’ section should only be used in a scenario when the user has previously been deactivated. It should not be used to activate the account after adding the New User. The New User must be Activated via email link sent to their email address.

Still haven’t found your answer? Try:

Manage my Food Network Members

Change User permissions

Invite members to my Food Network

Approve applications to my Food Network

Add new branch to my organisation

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