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Turn on the Affiliates Feature - New Charities

Useful information for food bank admins, charity branches and charity organisations.

The Affiliates feature can be activated at the donor organisation level, and at the Food Network level. With the Affiliates feature activated, a donor organisation can ensure that only approved registered charities can collect their donations. There are two elements to this feature. First, the donor must have the Affiliates feature enabled. To do this, see: Turn on the Affiliates Feature - Donor Organisations

If the donor has the Affiliates feature turned on already, and you would like to add a new charity organisation to their schedule, that charity will need to become an “approved affiliate” in order to receive offers from the donor organisation.

To set a new charity as an approved affiliate, see the instructions below.


  1. Ensure you are logged in to the Foodiverse web platform as a food network administrator.

  2. Go to ‘My FoodBank Network’ → ‘Manage Network Members’ and search for the charity that you intend to add to the affiliated network

  3. Click on the ‘Manage Member’ icon within ‘Actions’ on the right hand side

  4. Go to the ‘Approved Affiliates’ tab and make sure Approved Affiliates is on:

  5. Repeat process for any other charities that need to be added to the affiliate network.

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