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Foodiverse Donor KPI Report - How does it work?

This article aims to explain how interactions on the Foodiverse platform are reflected in the Donor KPI Report. The most important fact about the Donor KPI Report is that only planned, scheduled or expected donations that are made by the donor are counted in this report. These donation types can be configured by scheduling ‘Active Donation Windows’ for donors which is further explained below. If donors make unplanned donations or post donations as part of an ‘Inactive Donation Window’, it will not be captured in this report.

This article will also explain how to ‘void’ a planned donation that was made by a donor in error. The most common example of this is when a donor posted multiple times within the same ‘Active Donation Window’ by accident OR because they forgot to post a category of food in the original donation.


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  1. Donor KPI Report: Donation Scenarios

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts a planned donation?

Donor posts a Planned donation

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts a planned No Availability?

Donor posts a Planned No Availability

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts a planned No Availability first and a donation using same active donation window?

Donor posts No Availability first and a donation

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts multiple planned donations using same active donation window ?

Donor posts planned donations multiple times

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts an unplanned donation?

Donor Posts Unplanned Donation

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts a planned donation and an unplanned donation?

Donor Posts Combination (Planned & Unplanned)

What does the KPI report show when a donor posts multiple donations using multiple active donation windows?

Donor has multiple active donations windows and collection windows

  1. Void donation scenarios

What is Voiding donations? How does it affect impact and the Donor KPI report?

Void donations

How to manage multiple donations posted using void feature


  1. Active Inactive donation windows

Using Active/Inactive donation windows feature to create a planned donation

Active/InActive donation windows

1. KPI Report Donation Scenarios

Donor posts a Planned donation

If donor posts a donation in an active donation window and there is a primary charity in the transfer window (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:14*)

Total Posted=1, Total Food Offered=1, Scheduled donation window = 1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=1, Expected Food Offered=1

Donor posts a Planned No Availability

If donor posts ‘No Availability’ in an active donation window and there is a primary charity in the transfer window (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:15*)

Total Posted = 1, Total No Availability=1, Scheduled donation window = 1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=1, Expected No Availability=1,

Donor posts No Availability first and a donation

If donor posts No Availability and posts a food donation after in an active donation window and there is Primary charity in the transfer window (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:16*)

Total Posted=2, Total food Offered=1, Total No Availability = 1, Scheduled donation window = 1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=2, Expected Food Offered = 1, Expected No Availability=1

Donor posts planned donations multiple times

If donor posts two food donations in an active donation window and there is a Primary charity in the transfer window (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:17*)

Total Posted=2, Total food offered=2, Total No Availability=0, Scheduled donation window = 1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=2, Expected Food Offered = 2, Expected No Availability=0

Donor Posts Unplanned Donation

Total Posted = 1, Total Food Offered = 1, Scheduled donation window =0, Fulfilled donation window=0, Expected Posted=0 (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:18*)

Donor Posts Combination (Planned & Unplanned)

If donor posts planned donation using active donation window and posts another unplanned donation (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:20*)

Total Posted=2, Total food offered=2, Total No Availability=0, Scheduled donation window =1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=1, Expected No Availability=0

Donor has multiple active donations windows and collection windows

When a donor has two active donation windows and two collection windows and they post in both active donation windows (Branch ID- FCQADONOR:19*)

Total Posted=2, Total food offered=2, Total No Availability=0, Scheduled donation window =2, Fulfilled donation window=2, Expected Posted=2, Expected No Availability=0
(Note-Branch ID* refer to the Branch ID in the screenshot for how it looks like in the KPI report)

2. Void

Void feature can be used to manage donations (donation/No availability) posted by mistake (often multiple times) that are inflating the impact (Total kgs) of my branch.

  • Void feature can be found in My Foodbank Network-> Manage Donations-> Actions column.

  • No Posting cannot be marked as void.

  • Void donations will be voided/excluded in the impact report.

  • Void donations will be voided/excluded in the KPI report in all columns except (Total Posted, Expected Posted, Fulfilled Donation Windows, Total Voided and Expected Voided)

    • Total Voided column in the KPI report will show the overall number of donations voided.

    • Expected Voided column in the KPI reports is the count of donations voided that were posted in the Active donation windows.

    • Scheduled Donation Windows is the total distinct number of active donation windows, it includes void donations.

    • Expected Posted is the number of planned donations received by Foodiverse for a donor where active donation windows were used. It includes Expected voided donations

    • Total Posted is the total number of planned and unplanned donations received by Foodiverse for a donor. It includes total voided donations.

    • Fulfilled Donation Windows is the number of active donation windows posted into(donation/NoAvailability). It includes voided donations.


  • FCQADONOR:16- Posted No Availability and a donation, No Availability is Voided

before: Expected Voided=0, Expected No Availability=1, Expected Posted=2 (includes voided donations), Expected Food Offered=1

after: Expected Voided=1, Expected No Availability=0, Expected Posted=2 (includes voided donations), Expected Food Offered=1

  • FCQADONOR:17- Donor posts 2 planned donations and 2 planned no availability

before: Scheduled donation window =1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=4, Expected NoAvailability=2, Expected Food offered=2, Expected Voided=0

after: voiding 3 donation (2 no availabilities and 1 donation) Scheduled donation window =1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=4, Expected NoAvailability=0, Expected Food offered=1, Expected Voided=3

  • Donor posts 1 planned donation but marks it as void

before: Scheduled donation window =1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=1, Expected NoAvailability=0, Expected Food offered=1, Expected Voided=0

after: Scheduled donation window =1, Fulfilled donation window=1, Expected Posted=1, Expected NoAvailability=0, Expected Food offered=0, Expected Voided=1

3. Active/Inactive donation windows

  • A donation is planned when it is posted using an active donation window.

  • When the donation window is inactive the posted donation is unplanned

(**(info) - The foodbank can create an expectation to post for a donor branch based on the presence of an active donation window and creating a collection window with primary charity)

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