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Schedule Report

This report can be viewed by food network admins.

About the Schedule report

The schedule report gives the report viewer a breakdown of donor schedule windows, using a given date/date range and donor organisation. This can be further broken down by specifying a donor/charity branch.

The report allows users to see all donation schedule windows and their details in a table view, including any charities on the scheduled window.

Understanding the Schedule report

  1. The first 2 filters you see are;

    1. Start Date

    2. End Date

These filters allow you to specify the date range you want to view.

The report can view;

  • 12 months in the past

  • 4 months in the future

The maximum date range is 60 days.

  1. The next 2 filters are;

    1. Donor Organisation

    2. Donor Branch

These filters allow you to specify the branch/branches you want to view.

  1. The last filter option is;

    1. Charity Branch

This filter allows you to specify the scheduled donation window which a charity branch is a part of.

Entering data into this field will not reset the other fields.

  1. The user view can be changed using the drop-down menu. For a better understanding of user views, click this link.

Viewing the Schedule report

  1. Login to your Food net admin account on the Foodiverse web application.

  2. Navigate to Reports -> Schedule Report -> View

  1. In the above example we can see the breakdown of 4 scheduled donation windows.

  2. Each window has;

    1. The date that the day of the week was on. E.g in this example, a Monday

    2. The Donor Organisation name

    3. The Donor Branch name

    4. The ID given to that donor branch by the Foodnet admin

    5. The day of the week for the scheduled donation window

    6. The Start Time is when the donation window begins

    7. The Schedule type is wether the Schedule is Permanent/Temporary/Closed

    8. The maximum number of collectors for the donation

    9. The Slot Status is whether the scheduled donation window is Activated/Invited/Scheduled for Activation/Blank

    10. The primary Charity Organisation name

    11. The primary Charity Branch name

    12. The ID given to that charity branch by the Foodnet admin

    13. The toggled option allowed for the 4 food category types

      1. This is for the primary charity only

      2. This is the food classifications as set by the Foodbank admin

    14. The name of any waitlist charities on the schedule

  1. The report can be downloaded by pressing the DOWNLOAD button.

  2. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to provide a description to the file.

The maximum download limit is 7 days.

  1. To view this file, in the top right of the window navigate to My Profile -> My Files.

  2. The newly downloaded file will be at the top of the list.

  1. Clicking the green download icon will download the file to your computer.

  2. This downloaded file can now be viewed on a spreadsheet.

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