Troubleshoot Mobile App Sign-in and Sign-out errors
Sometimes you may encounter problems when signing-in or signing-out of the Foodiverse app.
This can happen if;
your Wi-Fi / internet connection drops
We have any difficulty connecting to our push notification provider.
This article will help you understand the various error messages that you may encounter.
In each case if you cannot progress past the error please report the exact error message to your Food Net administrator or contact our Support team.
Problems signing-in to Foodiverse
This error means that Foodiverse cannot connect to the server at this time which could suggest that your Wi-Fi or Internet connection is not working. You should check that you have Internet access on your device and try again.

This error may be a temporary fault in which case you can try again in a short while or you could continue to sign-in to the Foodiverse app by clicking Continue.
You will not receive notifications on your device about donations.
You can also perform other actions within Foodiverse like Accepting offers etc.
Remember to sign-out and try to sign-in again in a while to receive notifications.
Problems signing-out of Foodiverse

This error means that Foodiverse cannot connect to the server at this time which could suggest that your Wi-Fi or Internet connection is not working. You could check that you have Internet access on your device and try again.

You may have had a disconnection from the Internet while Foodiverse was Signing out. Check your Wi-Fi, Internet connection and try again.