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Notification Window (Posting Window)

This an expectation to post.

Donors can be scheduled to post multiple times in a 24 hour period if they wish.

The Notification Window dictates when they are scheduled to post and the corresponding Transfer Window (which is optional) will dictate which Primary Charity AND/OR Waitlist charity(ies) should receive the notification of the Offer.

The notification window (also known as a posting window) dictates when a charity branch will be notified about an offer from a donor.

Early donation: If a donor posts a donation earlier than expected, the primary charity will not be notified of the offer until the beginning of the selected notification window (which is selected by the donor at the time of making a donation)

Late Donation - a donor can post a Late donation up until the Accept By Time which is usually 30 minutes before the end of the Transfer Window (the ABT can be custom configured in Organisation Settings, range 0 to 90 minutes). The Primary charity will be notified of the offer immediately. A late donation will be available to the Primary for the priority 30 minutes UNLESS the posting time is less than the configured Accept By Time, then the Primary, Waitlist and FoodBoard recipients will receive the offer at the same time. No 30 minute buffer will apply.

Notification Window -v- Transfer Window: A transfer window is the communicated period of time that the donation is expected to be collected or delivered. It is communicated as part of the SMS or push notification to the charity.

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