Geo-location Filtering
Useful information for donors, charities and foodbanks using the Foodboard Offers to access & accept additional donations.
Log into the Flutter application, pictured below is the Home> Dashboard page
The number of offers on the Foodboard offers card may not be the same as the number of offers on the Foodboard page.
The Foodboard offers card displays total number of offers available to the charity irrespective of its distance from the donor. The foodboard page shows offers that are filtered based on distance.
The default filter is 25 kms.
The maximum distance that can be selected on Geo-filter is 100 kms which means that the charity will not see any offers that are beyond the distance of 100 kms.
So let’s assume there are 100 offers available to the charity on the Foodboard offers card, but only 20 are within the 100 kms range,
Then only those 20 will show up on the foodboard offers page (with the filter being set to 100kms).
The remaining 80 will be filtered out.
Click the Foodboard Offers card.
There will only be offers to filter if the number on the Foodboard Offers card is greater than 0.
The Foodboard Offers page will allow you to see offers on the Foodboard within a chosen filtered range.
Select Distance
The geo-filter default setting is 25 Kms. The distance can be changed to Miles*.
*The units of distance can be set on the charity & foodbank web app account. Go to My Organisation>Manage Branches>Actions>Edit>Branch Details>Default Geo-filter unit of distance>Select>Submit
The geo-filter has a dropdown menu, minimum 5km, increasing by 5km increments, with larger incremental distances from the 30kms mark.
Clicking the Configuration button in the top right corner of the application will open the following Donation Filter menu.
Clicking the Edit pencil inside the default 25Km button will also open the Donation Filter menu.
To use the geo-filter feature;
Select a distance
Then click the View Offers button
The Donation Filter menu will close and the available donations within the selected distance will be seen.
Accept the offers as before.
Select Branch
If a User has more than one Branch there will be a search option to select other branches on the Foodboard Offers Geo-filtering Donation Filter menu.
Users will be familiar with this Search bar for other branches as it is also seen on the Schedules page and the Impact page when a user has more than one branch assigned to them.
Set up Geo-filter Geo Coordinates
Geo coordinates must be added manually, this allows the FoodBoard to function correctly.
Navigate to My Oraganisation > Manage Branches > Actions > Edit.

Enter the latitude and longitude of the branch, this will be the exact location charities see when accepting donations.
The easiest way to get exact coordinates is using Google Maps, by right-clicking on the map the first option seen is the coordinates of the location.

While the geo-coordinates for all the charities and donors have been fixed in Foodiverse, it is possible to have a few outliers due to the manual approach of the geo-location data collating task. In case of the Foodboard returning offers that have incorrect geo-distance between donor-charity orgs or not showing up offers/donations as expected, it would be advisable to flag this onto the TST board for it to be fixed manually by the dev team while waiting for the permanent fix to be deployed to FV (Planned in July Release).